Our profound marketing know-how and our excellent skills in creative communications Make you succeed on German-speaking markets

You want to expand your markets? Want to spread your message to Germany, the key to modern Europe?

Come on talk to Com4Co, a high-flying, German-based communications
consultancy specialising in Anglo-German trade relations.

We’ll be happy to create and implement your entire communications IN GERMAN
That’s what we can do for you:
  • developing attractive sales brochures
  • designing adverts that speak the language of your target group
  • writing press releases and articles about your organisation in German newspapers and trade magazines
  • creating your website in German
  • drafting and handling direct mail campaigns in Germany
  • high-quality translations and interpretation with regard to German culture

We make sure that your German customers really get your point!

Of course, you want proof of our expertise - click here for references or check this link for my resume.
You’ll be convinced.

Want to find out more?

CONTACT SYLVA - phone 0049-37292-21202 or e-mail contact@com4co.com

or talk to our partner in Akron / Ohio, Stephen Kidder: edelglied@aol.com